by | Apr 6, 2023

    Meet the Team – Patrick Yarnold

    1. What is your position at BPD Zenith?

    I am a UK based IBM Maximo Developer and have been with BPD for just over 3 years.

    2. What led you to choose this career path?

    After graduating with a degree in Games design, I came across BPD when looking for potential programming roles. I discovered that my skills could be adapted to a new industry that could offer huge personal growth and development, and a whole new set of challenges!

    3. Which part of your job do you most enjoy?

    Integration - I adore linking up systems! – this can often be challenging, but is rewarding no matter how long it takes! It’s great to take two completely separate systems that don’t talk to each other and connect them, offering lots of user benefits and enhancements - saving lots of time and avoiding errors!

    4. What’s a work-related accomplishment you’re really proud of?

    Our IBM Maximo-SFG20 Integration has been a huge accomplishment for me. This was the first important integration that I was involved in, when I began at BPD. It’s been so nice to see my own progress throughout, having started only assisting on the project, to now being tasked with updating fundamental elements of the integration.

    5. What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

    I’m really into Indie game development – I enjoy the open, collaborative group development it offers and it allows me to experiment freely with programming and learn new skills.

    MicrosoftTeams-image (3)

    Patrick enjoying some fresh air!

    7. If you were not a Maximo developer, what other career alternative would you have chosen and why?

    I would probably be a Games Developer – or something else programmer-related! It sounds geeky but I am that ‘computer guy’ that loves being stuck to a screen!

    8. What is a quality that you have cultivated in your career or personal life that has been an important part of your personal or professional development?

    Confidence – this is actually my 1st real job - I came into BPD terrified! I struggled with this at first but I am pleased to say I now have now have many ‘professional’ friendships within the team, with lots of support, which has really helped me grow in confidence!

    9. What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day?

    After a hard days work, I love to chill out on the sofa to watch ‘House of Dragon’ with my cat ‘Ramsay’ (named after the Game of Thrones character, not the chef!) Dungeons & Dragons is a something of a guilty pleasure… I haven’t seen the new movie yet, but I’m worried it will ruin it for me!

    Patrick Yarnold_RamsaytheCat Chillin' with Ramsay (GOT, not Gordon!)

    10. What would we most likely find you doing on the weekend?

    I like to socialise with friends at the weekend – either online with my gaming friends, or out and about in town for a few drinks!

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