BPD Zenith has added value to auto-manufacturing companies by improving asset availability, consolidating systems, supporting legal compliance, and reducing maintenance and operating costs.

    Keeping Production Running

    The Auto Manufacturing industry is facing several EAM challenges in 2024...


    • Increasing equipment complexity

    • Adoption of new technology

    • Cost management

    • Data management

    • Workforce management

    • Cybersecurity concerns

    IBM Maximo offers a comprehensive EAM solution to overcome these challenges by providing customized workflows, comprehensive asset management and tracking, integration with advanced technologies, streamlined work processes, mobile accessibility, and robust security features.

    Our Manufacturing Offerings

    • Meet delivery schedules – managing and maintaining assets and resources whilst scheduling outages to improve availability and reliability in order to make deadlines, meet SLAs and satisfy customers

    • Preserve capital – effective maintenance to extend the useful life of assets to defer new purchases and improve ROI for all assets

    • Reduce operating expenses – streamline operations, reduce labour costs, remove excess and obsolete inventory spares, and consolidate key systems

    • Increase operational equipment effectiveness – eliminate recurrent failure stops and reducing changeover times

    • Prepare for regulatory changes – dynamic infrastructure supports the ability to adapt quickly, increase governance and reporting

    • Leverage the active monitoring of asset health to maximize production efficiency whilst predicting failure with AI and monitoring technology

    • Support asset and facility maintenance and manufacturing concepts such as RCM, TPM and GMP

    • Reduce maintenance costs – improve productivity/reliability/quality, deferring non-essential maintenance activities, standardize and enforce processes

    • Maximo also provides a natural alignment with the current PAS 55 asset management or future ISO 55000 standard



    Discover why MaxiCloud is fully equipped to deal with today's Auto Manufacturing challenges...

    With IBM Maximo at its core - MaxiCloud offers a comprehensive, flexible, and customizable EAM solution that is well-suited to address the challenges faced by the auto manufacturing industry in 2023. It provides a holistic view of assets and equipment, enabling effective maintenance planning and scheduling, reducing downtime, and improving efficiency.

    Discover BPD’s Maximo Accelerator for Manufacturing

    Discover how our Manufacturing model helps companies maximize asset reliability and performance for a lean manufacturing implementation.

    MaxiCloud Accelerator for Manufacturing




    Whether you are manufacturing food and beverage products, mining and metals, or chemicals, BPD Zenith’s Maximo for Manufacturing Accelerator model serves all aspects of the sector...

    Together, we are building a powerful network of companies committed to advancing asset management in the manufacturing industry.


    Reducing time-to-value in the Manufacturing Industry...


    The MaxiCloud Manufacturing Accelerator embodies proven business processes and industry configurations to streamline Maximo implementation for quicker Return on Investment.

    With Maximo for Manufacturing, you can:

    • Extend the useful life of assets through better maintenance processes, in turn deferring new purchases and preserving capital
    • Reduce operating costs – streamline operations, reduce labour costs, remove excess and obsolete inventory spares, and consolidate key systems
    • Eliminate recurring failures and reduce changeover times to increase operational effectiveness
    • Support regulatory compliance, traceability, governance and reporting
    • Support RCM, TPM and GMP as well as alignment to PAS 55 and ISO 55000.
    Maximo Manage


    Maximo Manage

    Transforms how you manage assets 

    Optimize asset performance and reduce downtime and costs with market-leading enterprise asset management (EAM) – IBM Maximo Manage is a fully integrated asset management platform that uses advanced analytic tools and IoT data to improve operational availability, extend asset lifecycles and optimize performance.

    Built on 30+ years of market-leading technology, IBM Maximo® offers best-practice industry solutions and extensions to address an organization’s unique needs, reducing risk and costs.

    Now, industrial leaders have a single solution that provides unmatched visibility and control across the enterprise to manage assets, schedules, resources, processes, inventories and expenses.

    Maximo Manage Includes: 

    Fingertip Mobile EAM enables your maintenance teams to work more efficiently

    PEL EAM - ifs-engineer-700

    Work more effectively from any location, on any site

    BPD's Fingertip mobile EAM solution extends Maximo into the field, and enables Maximo for manufacturing to be updated directly at point-of-work, in real time.

    • Issue work orders at the point of work
    • Inventory Module enables you to keep track of stock and spares
    • Enforce your processes at the point of work with Fingertip’s Mobile Forms, using complex conditional logic to guide your engineers through every stage
    • Capture e-sig or hard signature for every process
    • Ensure all Maximo users have real-time data from all your locations
    • Fully support your mobile processes with offline capability
    • Deploy to all major mobile devices types (including ATEX) and operating systems
    • Can support hundreds of concurrent users
    • Works with scheduling to ensure the most suitable engineers attend each job

    Fingertip's range of modules enable it to be configured to suit your specific business needs, and provides you with an unrivalled mobile EAM solurion, and our experts will configure it in the best possible way to match your needs.

    IoT in Manufacturing – The Next Step

    We are now able to take sensor data and interpret that data to bring relevant and valuable advantages to Maximo.

    In general, maintenance work is carried out today by interval-based inspections and servicing – we can now offer preventative maintenance based up on the information provided by sensors. These sensors could already be installed on current machinery or retrofitted and can provide information previously unobtainable due to advances in technology. The cost and efficiency benefits for work management in manufacturing environments are significant.

    Thankfully, we don’t have to rely on human resource to make use of all of this new data. For example, using Artificial Intelligence (or AI), data can be interpreted quicker and more accurately, with exceptions or specific conditions of interest identified immediately. Maximo can be configured so that specific circumstances trigger work orders, inspections and a whole host of commands and operations. There is huge scope for reducing both the cost of inspections and interval-based maintenance, whilst reducing the downtime of production equipment.

    BPD Zenith uses the IBM IoT Platform to connect assets and bring the information from the assets into Maximo. We are also working with IBM Asset Performance Management and other tools from the IBM Maximo EAM suite to further enhance maintenance operations.

    Case Study: Honda UK...



    Blog on Auto-Manufacturing...


    Compliance in Manufacturing...
